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  3. UN delegation: “We look forward to strengthening our partnership with Etidal”

UN delegation: “We look forward to strengthening our partnership with Etidal”

The High-Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, affirmed that they look forward to strengthening their partnership with the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal).
Mr. Moratinos visited the Center on July 1st and met with its Secretary-General, Dr. Mansour Alshammari. He was accompanied by the Chief of Cabinet and Spokesperson for the High Representative of UNAOC, Nihal Saad, and the Secretary-General of the National Committee for Monitoring the Initiative for Interreligious Dialogue, Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammad Alhumaid. Mr. Moratinos stressed the importance of Etidal in combating extremist ideology in the region and across the world, highlighting the capabilities of the Center, like the advanced technologies and the qualified personnel who are specialized in analyzing extremist discourse and producing counter-narratives.
“Thank you very much, and congratulations for the Center, congratulations for the work,” Mr. Moratinos said. “I’m really impressed by the way you have been working since the establishment of this important center to combat extremist ideology,” he added.
In response to a question about the Center’s futuristic view, especially after the defeat of Daesh, and the mechanisms to overcome the difficulties related to analyzing content by extremist groups on social media platforms in multiple languages, Etidal’s officials pointed out that “the Center has plans to confront extremist ideology, whatever its sources, and whatever organization is behind it or is promoting it, be it Daesh or others.”
At the end of the visit, a photo was taken to mark the occasion and the Center’s Secretary General presented a commemorative gift to the High-Representative for UNAOC.