The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal), in cooperation with Telegram platform, removed 7,207,810 extremist content and closed 1,554 extremist channels, during the second quarter of the current year (April-June) 2023.
Etidal team monitored the propaganda digital activity published in Arabic on Telegram platform that belongs to three terrorist organizations (Al-Qaeda – Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham – ISIS), where the removed extremist content of Al-Qaeda organization topped with 3,511,979 extremist content in 535 extremist channels, followed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham with 1,951,527 extremist content broadcast on 403 channels, while the terrorist organization ISIS broadcast 1,744,304 extremist content on 616 extremist channels.
April 18, 2023, which coincided with Ramadan 27, witnessed the highest activity in broadcasting extremist content with 615,506 extremist content, and establishing 81 extremist channels. The monitoring team in (Etidal) noted the intensity of the activity of Al-Qaeda in broadcasting its extremist content for the first time since February 2022 until now, by broadcasting 3,511,979 extremist content and publishing it across 535 channels.
It is worth mentioning that the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal) and Telegram platform continue their joint cooperation for the second year in a row, bringing the number of removed extremist content to 28,233,979 and closing 10,218 channels, from starting cooperation in February 2022 until June 2023.