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  1. الرئيسية
  2. Etidal News
  3. (ETIDAL) Publishes “Al-Shabab” File

(ETIDAL) Publishes “Al-Shabab” File

Riyadh : The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (ETIDAL) launched a series of publications on “Twitter” revealing the criminal history of al-Shabaab, a terrorist group active in Somalia and neighboring countries.

The file sheds light on the history of al-Shabaab since it emerged in Somalia in 2006, under the direction of a group of veteran fighters, most prominently, “Adam Ayro,” a terrorist engaged in extremist activity since the 1980s.

The file confirmed that the movement originated as a mixture of long-standing Islamic militant organizations including the Union of Islamic Courts and various elements that fought in Afghanistan during the Soviet and American wars and later joined al-Qaeda.

Etidal’s Al-Shabaab file is focused on clarifying its origins, its membership makeup, the movement’s strategy in implementing criminal plans, its alliances with international blood organizations such as al-Qa’ida and ISIS, its income sources and its impact on regional security.

The publication of this Al-Shabab file is part of a series of proactive media files, published by the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (ETIDAL), as part of its mission to confront the global threat of terrorism.